Our new powers to challenge and change company names

We're running stronger checks on company names which may give a false or misleading impression to the public. Find out how this may affect you or your company.
Principal Policy Advisor at Companies House
We're running stronger checks on company names which may give a false or misleading impression to the public. Find out how this may affect you or your company.
Protecting your personal data is important to us. Find out how we're aiming to strike the right balance between transparent company information and protecting personal data.
We use our blog to talk about the work we’re doing, offering tips and advice on starting, running and closing a company. We also share the latest developments on the changes to UK company law.
All information is accurate at the time of publishing. For the latest information and guidance, visit our guidance pages on GOV.UK.
The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act has given Companies House the power to play a more significant role in tackling economic crime and supporting economic growth.
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