It’s at this time of year that you might expect a card to land on your doorstep. The card may contain a funny or romantic poem 'Roses are red, violets are blue' with a mysterious signature. For those of us in a relationship, you'll probably be able to work out who it's from. But if it’s not from who you think... ooh there could be issues.
Yes, it's Valentine's Day - the popular festival of love and romances, which can be traced back to ancient Roman times.
If you're not in a relationship, then trying to work out who the card is from, can be quite fun. Has someone been looking at you differently, paying you more attention? Will you ever find out? Sometimes you never will, they want to remain anonymous, a secret Valentine's Day admirer.
But did you know you can do the same with a company? No, not send a Valentine's card, but view a company from afar.
Follow is a part of our free Companies House Service (CHS) which lets you receive email alerts of company transactions. The alert tells you instantly what’s been filed with us as soon as it’s been accepted.
The email will contain a link to the filing history of the company where you’ll be able to download a copy of the document for free.
You’ll also receive an alert when we remove a transaction.
How to follow
To begin following companies:
- Sign in once you’ve registered an email address and password.
- Search for a company to follow.
- Select the company.
- Click on ‘Follow this company’.
The Follow service is available free of charge on CHS and the company you're following will never find out.

So, why not follow your own company? If you're a company director or auditor, you may find this service a convenient way of keeping track of changes in company activity. You'll then be alerted to any transactions on your company and will be able to address any problems quickly.
I personally haven’t received a Valentine's Day card for many a year, so feel free to send one to me here at Companies House.
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