Filing your Register of Overseas Entities update statement

All overseas entities on the Register of Overseas Entities must file an update statement every year. Read practical tips to help you file your statement.
All overseas entities on the Register of Overseas Entities must file an update statement every year. Read practical tips to help you file your statement.
Time is running out for overseas entities to comply with the new Register of Overseas Entities requirements. Here's how to speed up the process.
31 January 2023 - the deadline when all overseas entities need to have registered with Companies House - is fast approaching. The new verification process takes time, so it’s critical that overseas entities register as soon as possible.
We use our blog to talk about the work we’re doing, offering tips and advice on starting, running and closing a company. We also share the latest developments on the changes to UK company law.
All information is accurate at the time of publishing. For the latest information and guidance, visit our guidance pages on GOV.UK.
The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act has given Companies House the power to play a more significant role in tackling economic crime and supporting economic growth.
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