Watch a recently recorded broadcast advising you how to prevent your accounts being rejected by us.
Two weeks ago, we worked with HM Revenue and Customs to present one of their series of Agents Talking Points webinars. The aim of the broadcast was to help accountants get filing of accounts right first time and to avoid them being rejected.
Companies House rejects about 88,000 accounts each year and we want to prevent this happening by helping people successfully submit their accounts to us.
The broadcast highlights the main reasons why accounts are rejected, raises awareness of legislative changes and promotes the benefits of filing accounts electronically. Digital filing is of particular importance as it has a significant impact on reducing rejections.
The webinar is hosted by Jack Mansfield who is both the head of digital take-up and a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW). He was assisted by Companies House accounts specialists in dealing with questions at the end.
The broadcast had over 300 attendees and a number of questions were dealt with in the question time section. The response was very positive with attendees finding it to be useful and informative, we’ll look to provide more sessions in the near future.
You can also benefit from the webinar by registering and watching it.