Service assessment: paying late filing penalties online very simple to start with, just allowing users to pay their penalties using a credit/debit card online. But we have plans to introduce other payment methods and integration into...
Lead product manager at Companies House. very simple to start with, just allowing users to pay their penalties using a credit/debit card online. But we have plans to introduce other payment methods and integration into...
In January I attended a new cross-government digital academy that Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) were running. The academy was 5 weeks in Leeds and a new way of learning some great techniques to deliver digital services.
We use our blog to talk about the work we’re doing, offering tips and advice on starting, running and closing a company. We also share the latest developments on the changes to UK company law.
All information is accurate at the time of publishing. For the latest information and guidance, visit our guidance pages on GOV.UK.
The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act has given Companies House the power to play a more significant role in tackling economic crime and supporting economic growth.
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