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Changes that affect you: confirmation statement

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This blog post was withdrawn on 20 Februrary 2020 because the content is out of date.

For up to date guidance, see: Filing your company's confirmation statement.

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  1. Comment by Johnny posted on

    "From 30 June onwards you’ll need to file a confirmation statement on the date that your annual return was due. For example, if you were due to file your annual return 30 September 2016, you’ll need to file a confirmation statement on that date instead. However, please be aware that the 28-day grace period has changed to 14 days."

    Could you confirm the above is correct? For a company whose last annual return was made up to 2 September 2015, the due date for the next annual return would be 30 September 2016 as in your example. This is because the next annual return would have been made up to 2 September 2016 at the latest and should have been delivered within 28 days.

    If the grace period for the confirmation statement is now only 14 days, then for this company the confirmation statement should be due on 16 September 2016.

    This may just be confusion as to what is meant by 'due', but for the company in the example, the register would currently show: Next annual return made up to 2 September 2016
    due by 30 September 2016.

    • Replies to Johnny>

      Comment by Jac Bond posted on

      Thank you for your comment. We agree that you are correct and the use of the word "due" can potentially be confusing. The correct position is as follows, for existing companies, the review period is the period of 12 months beginning the day after the last review period. So to use the dates in your example, if the last annual return that the company filed was made up to 2 September 2015, then the review period covered by the company's first confirmation statement will run from 3 September 2015 until 2 September 2016. The company then has 14 days in which to file their confirmation statement, so it should be submitted to the registrar by 16 September 2016. We've updated the paragraph for clarification.

  2. Comment by SG posted on

    Are LLPs expected to file Annual Returns or Confirmation Statements or both?

    • Replies to SG>

      Comment by Jac Bond posted on

      Thank you for your question. Confirmation statements will replace annual returns for both LLPs and companies. LLPs (or companies for that matter) will never have to file both an annual return and a confirmation statement for the same period. The way this works is that if your next annual return is made up to 30 June 2016 or later then you will need to file a confirmation statement for that period instead.

  3. Comment by Babita posted on

    "From 30 June onwards you’ll need to file a confirmation statement on the date that your annual return was due." What If i miss the deadline ie due date of filing the Annual Return and I file after 30 June 2016? For example, if my company Annual Return made up date is 23 June 2016 which is due for filing on 21 July 2016 (28 days). Now if I file after 30 June, will the Annual Return be replaced by Confirmation Statement and do I need to update the PSC details at the time of filing?
    Please advice accordingly.

  4. Comment by KR posted on

    You state that "any other changes eg a new registered office address we'll be required to complete a separate form and submit it at the same time as our confirmation statement".
    Is this the same for change of directors/secretaries? If this is the case, will there be no access to change the Board of Directors as and when a change occurs from the 1st July 2016?

    • Replies to KR>

      Comment by Esme Turner posted on

      Unlike the annual return, you can only tell us about changes to your shareholders’ info, SIC code or statement of capital when completing your confirmation statement. Now, all other changes need to be filed separately but you don’t have to wait until your confirmation statement is due to notify us.

      You can tell us about changes to your limited company, including directors and company secretaries, at any time throughout the year (using our WebFiling service or by paper filing). More info about making changes to your limited company:

  5. Comment by Steven Cunni posted on

    In relation to the requirements to keep a PSC register, is this only where people with significant control are identified or in all cases. I'm thinking of charitable companies in asking this question.

  6. Comment by TK posted on

    Is there any information on what the information submitted in the annual confirmation will look like when viewed later? Would it create a document that would appear similar with comparable information to that which is seen when viewing an AR01 now?

    • Replies to TK>

      Comment by Esme Turner posted on

      If a company opts to electronically file its confirmation statement (either using WebFiling or software filing) then our systems will create an image of the information provided to appear on the public register. This image will include the company name/number and the statement itself, it will also contain any information that the company has filed alongside the confirmation statement where there is a requirement to do so. This may include changes to the company’s:

      • principal business activities or standard industrial classification (SIC) code
      • information about people with significant control (PSC)
      • statement of capital
      • trading status of shares
      • shareholder information

      A company is also required to check that it's notified us of any changes to the following information during the confirmation period:

      • company’s registered office
      • company’s directors (appointments, terminations of appointments, and director’s details – e.g. service address, surname, etc.)
      • company’s secretary (appointments, terminations of appointments, and secretary’s details – e.g. service address, surname, etc.)
      • location of the company’s registers (i.e. whether they are kept at the company’s registered office or at a single alternative inspection location (SAIL)

      If the company hasn't informed us of this information previously then they should make the relevant filings at the same time as filing the confirmation statement. However this information will not be contained within the confirmation statement image as there's no requirement to restate this information in the confirmation statement (as there was with the annual return). Instead it'll be shown in the image of the relevant filing (eg AP01 for the appointment of a director), whether that was made at the same time as the confirmation statement or earlier in that period.

      We're aware that many customers previously checked the annual return to get a snapshot of a company’s information. This will not be possible with the confirmation statement but it's worth noting that much of this information is now available free of charge from a company’s profile page on the Companies House service (

  7. Comment by Rujesh posted on

    1. Is there any format or template of confirmation statement like AR01 22 page?
    2. If last annual return was made up to 30 June 2015 then this year company is to file annual return or confirmation statement?