Lucky numbers

One of your most important numbers, is your company's authentication code.
Senior communications manager at Companies House.
One of your most important numbers, is your company's authentication code.
Find out how to avoid bad luck this Friday the 13th.
Some simple advice to help you avoid a penalty and file your company's accounts on time.
Ever wonder where the rugby ball came from? Read our history of this iconic sports company.
Follow is a part of our free Companies House service (CHS) which lets you receive email alerts of company transactions. The alert tells you instantly what’s been filed with us as soon as it’s been accepted.
We use our blog to talk about the work we’re doing, offering tips and advice on starting, running and closing a company. We also share the latest developments on the changes to UK company law.
All information is accurate at the time of publishing. For the latest information and guidance, visit our guidance pages on GOV.UK.
The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act has given Companies House the power to play a more significant role in tackling economic crime and supporting economic growth.
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