Preparing for the festive season with your accountant

In this blog post, we provide a brief rundown of your separate filing responsibilities with both Companies House and HMRC, and how to balance them between yourself and your accountant.
In this blog post, we provide a brief rundown of your separate filing responsibilities with both Companies House and HMRC, and how to balance them between yourself and your accountant.
Make sure you protect your new business. Here are three main ways to avoid fraud, scams and identity theft, and how to report them.
We discuss the duties of being a company director with Harry Birmingham from Sparqa Legal.
Our new bite-sized webinar series is aimed at new and existing company directors. Find out more about them, including the support and guidance available to help you become a better director.
Every company must file annual accounts with Companies House, even if your company is dormant. Here are some tips for filing dormant accounts online and on time.
Practical guidance for management companies on how to make decisions, manage disputes and deal with common problems.
Harry Birmingham of Sparqa Legal explains the responsibilities and powers that come with being a director or member of a residential management company.
Sally Vignes is the director of a flat management company in Cardiff. Here she explains about the responsibilities that come with being a flat management company director, together with how Companies House can help you.
A guest blog post by Acas. Read their tips and advice on how to hire staff whilst always staying on the right side of employment law.
With 2020 being the Chinese year of the rat, we take a look at why rats make good accountants, with tips on how to choose the best accountant to suit your business needs.