In conversation with: HMRC

Mark Chandler from HMRC and Alison Rees from Companies House discuss how collaboration can be the key to delivering efficient use of resources.
Mark Chandler from HMRC and Alison Rees from Companies House discuss how collaboration can be the key to delivering efficient use of resources.
Jane Walters from Companies House and Neil Freebury from The Insolvency Service discuss efforts to tackle fraud and criminal activity in the UK business sector.
Colleagues from Companies House and the Office for National Statistics (ONS) talk about their collaborative work throughout the pandemic.
Chris Oatts from BIPA and Companies House’s Robbie McNeil discuss how our data builds confidence and informs key business decisions.
In the second instalment of this series, colleagues discuss the importance of inclusive systems and services with the Digital Accessibility Centre (DAC).
Companies House HR colleagues discuss the importance of mental wellbeing in the workplace with Time to Change Wales - a national campaign to end the stigma faced by people with mental health problems.